There are already reference works on the history of vehicles in Lyon such as La Grande Aventure automobile lyonnaise, by Pierre-Lucien Pouzet, or the articles in the bulletins de la Société d'Histoire Rive Gauche, by Lucien Loreille. But none of these are based on a complete scientific study of the sources and until today no website has referenced the entire history of Lyon's vehicles (cars, trucks, motorcycles, cycles, boats, planes, car body designer, engine manufacturers, mechanical accessories manufacturers, subcontractors) with access to online archives. It is the scientific and new project, quite ambitious, that we have for the 3A, which should be the collector and guardian of the memory of the Lyon's automobile. The 3A association has the reputation and legitimacy for such work.


The long-term objectives are to constitute:


  • a European reference,
  • a knowledge base,
  • a publication on the Internet,
  • links to more information,
  • a cartography of establishments,
  • the possible publishing of books,
  • conference opportunities,
  • online and offline archives.

Typology of manufacturers (Rhône):


  • 117 automobile manufacturers,
  • 40 motorcycle, cyclecar manufacturers
  • 18 truck and coach manufacturers,
  • 19 airplane manufacturers,
  • 10 boat builders, hydrofoils,
  • 17 car body designer.

Developments carried out in 2022/2023:


  • list of manufacturers,
  • thesaurus,
  • introduction to industrial history,
  • first pages on manufacturers.


Developments planned for 2024/2025:


  • utmost development reduced descriptions as possible for a first approach,
  • development of reference pages/files,
  • cartography of establishments,
  • first elements of digitized archives,
  • certificates of authenticity.

Current and planned partners:


  • the Departmental Archives,
  • the University of Lyon II,
  • the Société d'Histoire de Lyon (bulletins de la Société d'Histoire Rive Gauche),
  • the Malartre museum,
  • the Berliet foundation,
  • the F.F.V.E.,

  • other entities related to vehicles and industry.